Prickly Pear Fruit – A Jewel of the Desert
Have you ever harvested prickly pear fruit? Once finished blooming, the yellow flowers from the Engelmann prickly pear (O. engelmannii) almost magically turn into fruits, also called tunas, in glorious […]
Recipe Reflections & Zooming into the Future
Oh, what memories our recipe files hold! They connect us to loved ones past and present, represent food trends or even homegrown ingredients. They can be written in beautiful penmanship […]
Like Water for Chocolate
Imagine for a moment that whatever dish you cook, the emotions you felt when preparing it were magically transferred to all who eat it. If you cook with love more […]
My Compliments to the Chef
I was 4 ½-years-old when I first said, “Please give by compliments to the chef.” My mom and I went out for lunch a lot and I heard her say […]